Ahhh, weddings!!

Where do I begin?  When TBM found out that I was going to be near the 1000 Islands for my niece’s wedding, she challenged me to take 1000 photos over the weekend.  While I didn’t quite make it to 1000, between the wedding and photo walks around Kingston, I did manage to take 800 pictures, and I had a blast doing so.  However, that now creates a problem.  How do I decide which photos to share with my blogging family?

Amy was the first of my nieces and nephews to get married, and I found it quite an emotional day because I still remember holding her in my arms when she was a baby. Seeing her as a grown woman in a wedding gown just about blew my mind.  She looked absolutely gorgeous and her new husband, Nick, is an extremely handsome man, so it was not difficult to capture great shots at this wedding.  It was hard to do, but I have picked out my four favourite pictures of the ceremony to share with you, and I’m sure you will have no trouble understanding why I was emotional :).

Is that not the most beautiful smile you have ever seen?

Ceremony 1

I think Nick just caught sight of her coming down the path.

Ceremony 2

You will probably notice there was a nautical theme to this wedding.  The knot they are tying in the rope here is very symbolic.  It is a knot that brings two ropes together into a bond that is meant never to come undone.  Isn’t that awesome?

Ceremony 3\

And last but not least is the most tender moment I captured all weekend.  This brings a smile to my face every time I look at it :).

Ceremony 4

This entry was posted in 1000 Islands, Blogging, Celebrations, Emotions, Family, Happiness, Kingston, Ontario, Life, Love, Memories, Photography, Portraits, Weddings and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

29 Responses to Ahhh, weddings!!

  1. RMW says:

    Not a fan of weddings (!) but these are great shots!

  2. victoriaaphotographyictoria says:

    Fantastic images. You’ve captured the emotions in the eyes and smiles. (not an easy thing to do). I think it also helps that they are a good looking couple.

    But how many times do you photograph people in social situations when they’re not aware of the photo being taken and they look so serious when they’re talking to someone. It always reminds me to smile or loosen up my expression in a social situation.

    (By the way, I love the bride’s dress. Its elegant, simple, yet very feminine. It also suits the bride).

    • Thank you :). It was nice having an occasion like this to practice my photography skills because I am still learning, and I was really excited by how well these turned out, especially the fact that I did capture the emotion like you mentioned. And yes I agree – her dress was perfect for her!

  3. zannyro says:

    So beautiful…so warm…what amazing captures…I love them all, but especially the look on his face when he sees her and the kiss.

  4. I like the thousand islands. My gr. and grm. lived close, so we toured every so often when we visited. My sister lives in Kingston. 🙂

    • I spent every summer of my childhood in the 1000 Islands, and I have incredibly fond memories of those times. It’s so beautiful there!! Pretty much everyone in my family lives in the Kingston area now except for me, and my parents live right on the water in Kingston.

  5. dorannrule says:

    Your photos almost got me choked up too! What a sweet and beautiful couple and so very much in love. You caught it all in four shots. That shows how good you’re getting! 🙂

    • OK, now you just totally made my day Dor. You always know the right things to say :). I have been furiously posting the photos on Facebook for my niece over the last couple of days, and she is just ecstatic with the shots I got, so that makes me really happy. I told her that the only thing that would have made the day more perfect would have been if their dog, Radar, had been part of the ceremony LOL! He is a beautiful golden lab, and he goes everywhere with them.

  6. bulldog says:

    Oh these are marvelous… you have managed to capture true feelings of the subjects… brides that always smile the broadest at weddings and the grooms almost anguish yet love captured in his look… damn but you are good…

    • Thanks so much Edith. It was a lot of fun to shoot. I even followed the photographer behind the pavilion to get some shots when they were signing paperwork. I was probably supposed to stay out front with the rest of the guests, but I said the hell with it and followed him LOL!!

  7. TBM says:

    I guess 800 is close enough. Nice shots. He looks so cute when he first sees her.

    • I know – that shot just melts my heart every time I look at it :). And thanks for letting me off on the 200 I missed LOL! Besides the wedding, I had so much fun walking around downtown Kingston taking pictures. It brought back tons of memories from my childhood because our hotel overlooked the city marina where we used to dock our boat in the summertime. The old architecture of Kingston is spectacular too, and I took hundreds of pictures of old buildings like the City Hall, the train station, an old hotel, and many beautiful churches. If I had more time I would have definitely made it to 1000 photos!

  8. beckyday6 says:

    Awwwhhh wow these shots are amazing Cindy well done, I’m sure the bride and groom will be desperate for their own copies! Maybe you should start letting people hire you for weddings. 😉 They make me feel all mushy and girly, LOL.
    I love they knot idea too, they symbolism is lovely.

    • Thanks Becky :). Yes, my niece wants me to put all of the pictures on a CD for her, but it may take me a while because I told her some of them need editing, and she wants me to do that first LOL!! And thanks for the vote of confidence, but I think I need a little more practice before I get hired for weddings :).

  9. benzeknees says:

    The pic of the almost kiss is the best I have seen from a wedding. Too many photographers take the pic while the bride & groom are already kissing & someone’s face isn’t visible. This one you took shows the great intimacy between them. Bravo Auntie Cindy!

    • Wow, thanks :). I think this is my favourite shot of all for the same reasons you stated. I was so happy it turned out because I shot all of these handheld with my telephoto lens on, and of course I was really emotional and excited. I’m surprised that they weren’t all blurry!!

  10. Amychpas says:

    Thank you Aunt Cindy! The pictures are amazing and you have a wonderful talant!!! Keep shooting 🙂 Cant wait to see the rest ofthe pictures!

  11. Pingback: Beauty and the blur | photos from the loonybin

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